Our name stands for reliable technology in the mission of highest hygienic safety.
Learn more about our company and our products here.
The classic
Scale ice machine
FUNK EasyClean® type F
Ready to plug in, compact with integrated refrigeration unit and variable in capacity from 160 – 6,000 kg in 24 hours individually adapted to every requirement.

Your plus in flexibility
Scale ice machine
FUNK EasyClean® type FRV
With separate refrigeration unit or for connection to a compound, variable in installation and in daily output from 160 kg in 24 hours, an absolutely adaptable partner even for high daily outputs over 6,000 kg.
The storage
Scale ice machine
FUNK EasyClean® type FV
The flexible partner for your ice production with an integrated, insulated storage container for 160 – 1,500 kg of scale ice.